Hip Pain
Hip pain with sitting, standing, walking, lifting, and carrying objects-can all be treated by your local pelvic floor physical therapist. A pelvic floor therapist can help you isolate your impairments and together, you can develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific issues. If you are having hip pain, one of the main reasons it is important to have an evaluation by a physical therapist, is your symptoms may not be due to a hip impairment. Your symptoms may be due to pelvic floor dysfunction, low back impairments or some other condition. An example of this is if you have tightness or irritation in your pelvic floor muscles (PFM), this can cause you to perceive pain in the anterior, posterior, internal and/or outer region of your hip. Your pelvic floor therapist can assess your PFM condition; your posture; and your low back & hip region to help isolate your specific impairment or impairments, then they can provide you with education on your condition; provide gentle manual interventions; provide posture training and prescribe therapeutic exercises that may help decrease or even eliminate your symptoms.